Awakening in the Dream
About Ibogaine
Scientific studies of Ibogaine have now shown that Ibogaine acts as an ‘interrupter’ of existing neural pathways, which allows for people to erase cellular memory of trauma as well as regenerate healthy neural pathways. “Ibogaine works through multiple neurotransmitter systems to create a state of plasticity similar to states of plasticity existing during fetal development. This critical brain state may facilitate the consolidation of traumatic memories, reversal of abnormal hemispheric functions, and the dissolution of habitual patterns associated with addiction".
​Ibogaine is an isolated active alkaloid from the root bark of the central West African shrub Tabernanthe Iboga. It’s also found in the Voacanga Africana plant, as a source of bogaine HCL. It has been used for thousands of years for spiritual development, as a rite of passage for initiation into adulthood. Its properties as a treatment to interrupt opiate withdrawal was unknown until the early 1960’s, when a man named Howard Lotsoff accidentally discovered these anti-addictive properties . Since that time, studies undertaken by leading research and academic facilities have shown that Ibogaine is an effective addiction-interrupter for most substances, including heroin, methadone, methamphetamine, cocaine, alcohol, and nicotine.
Ibogaine works to rebalance the brain chemistry, modulating natural production of dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, and adrenaline, essentially returning the individual neurotransmitter receptor sites to a pre-addicted state. This helps dramatically lessen the physical manifestations of withdrawal, when compared to quitting ‘cold turkey’, which can take weeks or months. Those coming off antidepressants may also go through physical withdrawal. In our experience, we have found that cessation of pharmaceutical drugs can take longer to recover from than street drug cessation.
The following section outlines the distinct phases of the Ibogaine experience:
Phases 1-3
Ibogaine can provide individuals with critical insights into the origins of their unhealthy behavior patterns. This is experienced acutely during the first hours after administration when the conscious , subconscious, and unconscious aspects of the mind are merged. During this “awakened dream” state, past events, even those which the individual is not conscious of, may come to the surface of conscious awareness . Many individuals have suddenly understood or clarified past traumatic events or situations that, in part, have led to their present life condition. In effect, years of therapy can be replicated in a matter of hours. This is not experienced visually by everyone, though many people report this phase being vivid and "dream-like". At times the Ibogaine is performing , or physical healing , and there may be less of a discernible "dreamy" or visual effect. This experience can vary, depending on current health conditions, emotional maturity, severity of trauma and mindset of the participant and setting of the experience. In the event someone doesn’t experience the stream of consciousness, or has no dream-like state ("oneirophrenic"), the Ibogaine is nevertheless working to reset the imprints and repetitive negative behavior that is at the "root" of most of our pathologic states.
This initial phase is followed by a period of introspection, during which the information that was revealed during the early journey is processed. A full range of emotions may be experienced during these next 24-36 hours, and most people require some down time to recuperate physically, as this medicine can be taxing on the body. Occasionally, individuals may be overcome emotionally by what has been revealed to them, and some may become depressed or anxious. Ibogaine moves energy in the body, so many things may need attention emotionally. It’s like a release valve being opened, which can allow previously repressed feelings and emotions to surface. This is an essential part of the healing process. Reviewing one's life with the Ibogaine active in the system allows for a "paradigm shift", which can reframe the participant's psycho-spiritual landscape. Although this may be uncomfortable for some, the success of the treatment is dependent on allowing this process to fully unfold. There is a concern at this point for excessively withdrawing into oneself. Many people find that discussing their experiences freely allows them to relax into the revelations and insights gained during the session. The staff is available in whatever capacity necessary during this time, but if we feel that you are avoiding going inward, we will not hesitate to guide you back in that direction. We wish to keep a healthy balance for each person, and not interfere with an individual's needs for processing, while ensuring you feel fully supported and safe.
Ibogaine is converted by the liver into Nor-Ibogaine, an active metabolite, which is stored in the fat cells of the body. Nor-Ibogaine is the true healer, and can take 72 to 96 hours post treatment for its effects to be experienced. Ibogaine, and its metabolite Nor-ibogaine, are non-toxic, and acts like a super food for the body and mind. Nor-ibogaine can persist in the body for 2-3 months. During this period, there is a window of opportunity, anywhere from 12 to 24 days, for one to witness what previously was acted out in a completely unconscious manner. You may now experience these actions consciously. This is a chance to cultivate the art of living from a place of self compassion and humility. The Awakened Dream will continue in awake daily life, it's an opportunity to see how we create our own life, that the people and circumstances are within our own decisions and actions, This period of being in an Awake Dream is the essence of self responsibility, A place to claim my intentions and what it is i want to dream up. We have 2 choices, dream up or dream down. In the beginning it's a little foreign but in time we become more aware of the life we are living. It takes time to clean up the life we came from, and additional support is highly suggested it can be in many forms there are Ibogaine aftercare centers specific for ibogaine , There is online coaching and integration programs now that didn't exist back when I took ibogaine, This whole new interest from the professional field to help and guide people for whatever reason you choose this path, is one of the inspirational aspects of this work. That it has truly become an option for treatment of many conditions and is an opportunity for people in the therapeutic field to really help and grow this movement.
The Spirit of Iboga
For thousands of years humans have evolved with plants - using them for the healing of mind, body, and soul. Some of these plants, such as Iboga, have emerged as strong teachers recognized as sacred medicines used in the healing of the most deeply spiritual aspects of our being. People of the equatorial regions of Africa have worked with the Tabernanthe Iboga plant as an herb of initiation and as a rite of passage for millennia. Absolutely no discussion of the role of Ibogaine in the West can be complete without taking the spiritual aspects of the medicine into consideration. We have personally witnessed Iboga exhibit incredible intelligence in its actions. It seems to know what each person can handle at any given moment. Some people are treated gently, while others are pushed beyond the edge of comfort and are asked to face difficult issues at the core of their being. We are asked to see ourselves in our wholeness, leaving behind notions of good and bad. We are empowered to see ourselves as we actually are. We are empowered to see the true consequences of our actions, and we no longer have to react to situations based on habitual responses programmed by past experience. We are given the freedom to exist in the present moment in connection with our true being and the whole of creation.