Awakening in the Dream
Ibogaine treatment is for individuals who are seeking true "Root Cause" of their addictions, diseases, symptoms, trauma or anything standing in the way of achieving the optimized human state.

The Focus of our Practice
We not only provide a loving and safe place for individuals to come to unravel the root cause of their specific personal issues, but we also provide a professional venue for healthcare workers (clinicians, therapists, etc.) to come and experience Ibogaine in a confidential and private learning environment, where there is no concern of violation or exposure of credentials, or risking the loss of licensure and/or professional reputation.

About Expectations...
It cannot be stressed enough, an Ibogaine journey is uniquely personal , and each individual’s subjective experience will be bespoke and customized to his/her specific needs. Not everyone will experience "visions" or witness memories of childhood (for those who do, it may or may not be in an emotionally detached way); If you do not, worry not, as this will not affect the efficacy of your treatment. The medicine works on many physical and spiritual levels simultaneously – many of which we are not consciously aware of. On the day following Ibogaine treatment, many are left with the impression that it “didn’t work”, or that they would “never recommend this to anyone". We are continually reminding people to wait a few days (weeks?) before they pass judgment on their overall journey, and how successful it was for them. For some this may be the beginning of a long, arduous process that can take time to unfold. Sometimes more than one treatment is necessary. It all depends on where you are on your path of unfolding. If you are dealing with a hard-core addiction process, the medicine may only be able to work on the physical part of your addiction initially. You may need to return for another treatment to work on the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your process. Whatever your ultimate reason for coming for treatment, remember that you will receive what you NEED, not what you DESIRE.
All medications that you are taking must be listed on the application so that you can taper off any that may be contraindicated with Ibogaine. There are some issues with certain psychiatric and antibiotic medications that can interfere with cardiac function. Some medications will need to be tapered down for several days to weeks prior to treatment, depending on the type of medication. Clients can resume their normal medication regime 48 hours after treatment.
In the days leading up to your treatment, it is a good idea to modify your diet. Whenever possible, avoid fried, fatty, salty, or overly processed foods (esp. soda, or refined sugars and carbohydrates). Attempt to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken and grass-fed beef. For five to seven days before your treatment, it is advisable to take a B-12 capsule, 3000 mg of Vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and calcium supplements daily, along with one aspirin.
Concentrate on hydration the day before treatment. Drink lots of water, electrolyte drinks. You will want to reduce your ingestion of liquids as we approach the treatment time (approx. 4 hours before), as it may be difficult to get up and use the bathroom during the initial phases of the session, and limiting fluids just before treatment will also limit the need to urinate frequently.
On the day of your treatment, eat lightly in the morning - nothing to eat after 10 AM. Fruit (papaya, coconut, banana, mango etc.) with yogurt and granola is an ideal morning breakfast before treatment. Your stomach should be empty for the medicine to be absorbed and metabolized properly. A hot shower prior to treatment is a good idea, but no perfume or deodorants should be used.
Set a clear intention for your Ibogaine journey, and try to sit with it the day of the treatment. This shouldn’t be thought of as a road map or to set up expectations, but as a way to get centered within yourself.
Continue to drink lots of water in the hours/days after your treatment. Plan for a shower or bath the day after your journey. This will help to wash away any residual physical and mental toxins that were cleared out the night before. Whether you have been abusing substances or not, there are several supplements you may consider taking to help regulate the chemistry of your “new” brain. The most important are Omega-3 fatty acids, which are usually taken in the form of fish or flax seed oils. It assists with neuronal communication and new neuron growth, Vitamin B6 aids in Dopamine and Serotonin synthesis. It can be found in many cereal grains (e.g. oatmeal) as well as in beans, bananas, peanuts, and chicken. Vitamin B12 helps to maintain healthy nerve cells, and to address sugar cravings, and allows for the body to absorb sugar, which alleviates the craving. It is found in oysters, clams, liver, trout, salmon, eggs, and dairy foods. Also worth considering are 5-HTP (a serotonin precursor), L-tyrosine & L-phenylalanine (dopamine precursors), D-phenylalanine & DL-phenylalanine (endorphins), and GABA.
Somatic therapies are very beneficial in the days following your treatment. Massage, reiki, rolfing, acupuncture, and energy work will all help move static energy in the body. Ice-water plunges and/or hot springs or sauna/Temazcal will activate endorphins and heat/cold shock proteins that are very beneficial for post-treatment recovery. If you’ve been opiate-dependent, the benefits far exceed the brief discomfort. Although not included, we can arrange these types of therapies during your stay.
Ibogaine is an "Oneirogenic" (dream-generating) plant. If you don’t already keep a dream journal, you may consider starting one prior to, and continuing after, your treatment session. Useful information regarding your continued growth is often revealed through the dream world. We encourage you to document your experience. This will not only help you to translate the changes that have taken place within your psyche, into the physical realm, but it will also lead to a greater understanding of the Ibogaine healing process. Be creative, and don’t forget to include what may be perceived as negative aspects of your treatment. We would love to hear about your experience and your perceptions regarding that experience. If you choose to share an account of your experiences, don't include your name, and know that it will be held in the strictest confidence.
It is very important to return to an environment conducive to your healing, and far away from the triggers and negative influences that may have inhabited your life pre-Ibogaine. The first 12-24 days are especially critical. This is the time that your neural pathways are being re-established (Neuroplasticity). If you return to an unhealthy situation, you risk recreating your old self and revisiting the old patterns you have just worked so hard to dismantle. Please allow yourself sufficient time to stabilize. Once your new self has become firmly established, you will find it possible to interact in a stable, healthy manner with elements of your past that may have previously led to psychological, emotional, or spiritual imbalances. Giving time to integrate the experience is essential to a long-lasting experience of change.
It is important to have a trusted and loving support network. Having a therapist, spiritual counselor, or close friends that you can meet with in the weeks and months following your treatment, are vital for success. You can contact us at any time by phone if you need to consult with us as your post-treatment journey unfolds. Remember, issues will surface during the post-treatment period. That is the nature of this medicine. One of the many ways it teaches is by showing you your sub-conscious, conditioned behaviors in amplified form so that you can become consciously aware of them. Don’t panic when something seemingly negative comes into your awareness. Although it seems counter-intuitive, this is desirable. You will have in each of these moments the opportunity to make a decision on how you wish to live your life. Will you choose to revert to your old patterns, or take the opportunity to create a new way of being, thinking and creating? The choice is yours. In this state of heightened awareness, in the months following your session, you will be given the chance to choose the way you want to react to your environment, without the fear-based, automatic knee-jerk responses that formerly controlled your life!

As our knowledge from years of practice with the Iboga plant accumulates, and we begin to merge with scientific evidence, we have expanded our indications for Ibogaine therapy. We have developed a deeper interest in understanding and using this plant for other compulsions, including sexual addiction, work/shopping/gambling addiction, and other obsessive-compulsive patterns. We are also coming to realize that this medicine, in keeping with the traditional use by the Bwiti of Central Africa, can assist those that have lost their "spiritual north star", or find themselves in a Psycho-Spiritual "crisis". Removing the labels and judgements that society has placed on us over our lifetimes is a core tenet of a traditional Iboga ceremony, and can be completely transformational for the spiritual detachment that so many of our society is experiencing today.
While we have provided "addiction interruption" for almost two decades now, we are looking towards the community of healthcare professionals who are becoming attracted to the use of plant medicines for getting to the root-cause of so much of the psycho-spiritual pathology that plagues western culture. This renaissance of open mindedness towards these plants is expanding and gaining acceptance each day. We are hoping to assist in training and providing a confidential experience to those that seek this new paradigm of healing, but may be reluctant, for fear of the risk ot potentially exposing themselves to the ridicule and/or punitive reactions of credentialing bodies or of being alienated from colleagues. We’ve created a space for those that are called to come learn, not only the scientific background regarding the efficacy of these omnipotent plant medicines, but also to experience and appreciate the magic and spirit of these substances that make them so much more healing than the standard clinical pharmacopeia.
If you are feeling called to embark on this new paradigm of healing, please reach out for more details.
Other Indications
Iboga has a profound ability to guide people into a journey of self-reclamation.
While most patients undergo Ibogaine therapy as a way to recover from serious drug addiction, it also can be effective treatment for many other psychological issues including depression, anxiety, and trauma. The medicines deeply personal and illuminating nature allows patients to let go of different types of patterns unrelated to drug use. Therapy for pyscho-spiritual maladies can life changing for those who suffer from chronic depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), childhood trauma, compulsive fear, bi-polar disorder, and OCD, as well as addictions issues classified as ‘atypical’ such as shopping, sex, food addiction, workaholism, and negative thinking. For people who suffer from any of these afflictions, Iboga offers a powerful alternative therapeutic approach that is backed by hundreds of years of traditional use, many thousands of successful anecdotal cases, and more and more scientific validation each day.
Reset Therapy is indicated for someone who once had issues with drug addiction/abuse, is now clean and sober, yet still feels like something "is "not quite right" - that they don’t feel quite themselves and struggle to get through the day. Ibogaine - regardless of your last use of drugs - removes the "imprint" from the time of drug exposure. It allows the body to move forward and heal expeditously. Ibogaine establishes a fresh slate from any past drug use or alcohol abuse. It is especially helpful in long term antidepressant use, or other psychotropic drugs which affect the synapses of neurotransmitters. Ibogaine is like clean voltage and regenerates the communication of feel good transmitters like dopamine, serotonin etc. A lot of people end up on opiate-based pain meds for an injury, but still have residual side effects even years after the body physically heals. Methamphetamine does the most damage to the way the brain functions, and it's a common theme to relapse years after heavy use. Ibogaine enhances nuero- plasticity, where the brain's nuerochemical circuitry heals from the damage of drug use.
It's an opportunity to move past an old chapter, but a whole change in behavior, belief and environment must be implemented in order for the treatment to be effective long term. What may seem like a long time to feel better, if compared to no treatment, most people regress into picking up old behaviors and habits. There is an analogy about walking 25 miles into the forest requiring 25 miles to get out; how you get out determines the value of comparison, with crawling 25 miles in, skipping 25 miles out being an ideal image. Time is essential to healing...it's just part of the deal.
As administrators of this medicine, we have witnessed a ‘glow’ typically within the 1st week after completion of the initial treatment. This state of well being lasts a couple months generally, and is a window of opportunity There is a natural ‘openness’, an ability to look at oneself objectively; New practices like breath work, yoga, exercise, therapy, meditation, mindfulness, dietary improvements, are all excellent tools for fostering this time of change.
Our Environment & Facility
Our facility in San Miguel de Allende is our home. When you are here, we operate as a “family”, committed to furnishing our clients with a safe and loving container to experience Ibogaine for both emotional and physical detoxification. We offer a comfortable, clean, and calm setting, and will assist you in whatever you may need to follow through with your decision to change.
This is an environment supported with the efficacy of Ibogaine. This is also a completely free will clinic. Your ability to move past your present circumstance depends on your intentions. We have a great respect and understanding of the path you have chosen, and we do our best to provide empathy rather than sympathy.
We do not allow friends or family at the clinic during the treatment or on the day or two following Ibogaine therapy sessions. It is important that the person doing this work has the opportunity to look fully into oneself, without any outside elements. If a friend or family member decides to accompany you, they will be responsible for their own food and accommodations.
The Awakening in the Dream House is not a traditional facility where the “client” is separate from the “staff.” Our intent is to dissolve the illusion of separation that is at the core of the addiction process.
Safety & Health
Ibogaine treatment causes wear and tear on the body similar to surgery with anesthesia. The recovery rate is similar, and rebuilding strength and stability in recuperation is gradual. At times several days in bed are required before being comfortable. It is necessary to be sure your body will be strong enough to endure the treatment. Requested medical reports are to be completed, “in advance” for a proper outline of health. Abnormal, irregular, or falsified tests pose serious threats to the outcome of Ibogaine treatment. EKG and Blood Work/liver Panel are mandatory prior to arrival in Mexico. A physical evaluation by our doctor is the determining factor; any question about the stability of your health may cause us to postpone or cancel the treatment. A compromised cardiovascular system, pulmonary thrombosis, high blood pressure, varicose or damaged veins, skin abscesses. or other blood clotting problems increase the risk of blood clots moving to your lungs in an Ibogaine treatment. Documented side effects of bradycardia, (lowering of the blood pressure and pulse), must be monitored. Please be informed that these conditions directly affect your health and increase the risk of possible death or injury.
Prior to treatment you will need to fill out an application providing a detailed medical history and mental health assessment. We ask you to return the application form as soon as possible so that we will have sufficient time to pass on any important information to you to help you prepare for your treatment. For example, if you are taking an anti- depressant like Prozac, you will need to taper off it in the days preceding your treatment. We will give you detailed instructions on how to do this. Similarly, if you have any heart or liver conditions, we will need to accurately assess your situation in order to help to prepare you for a safe treatment.
It is important that we accurately know your mental health history. We do not exclude those with pre-existing psychological disorders; however, those with psychotic and schizophrenic disorders need to be evaluated, and we must be informed of any medications you are currently taking.
After you arrive our MD will do a full physical evaluation, and one of our primary facilitators will complete the intake process. We will review your application and make sure you have followed the pre-treatment protocol. If we have any concerns regarding your physical or mental conditions at this time we will update your tests at the local hospital. Your health is our primary concern.

Bwiti practitioners use the root bark of the Tabernanthe iboga plant, specially cultivated for the religion, to promote radical spiritual growth, to stabilize community and family structure, to meet religious requirements, and to resolve pathological problems.

The root bark has been consumed for hundreds of years in a Bwiti rite of passage ceremony, as well as in initiation rites and acts of healing. The experience yields complex visions and insights anticipated to be valuable to the initiate and the chapel.
We will not treat anyone with the following conditions:
- Active infections including ulcers, pneumonia, or skin abscesses
- History of blood clots or coagulation abnormalities
- Cancer
- Cerebellar dysfunction
- Chronic fainting
- Uncontrolled Diabetes
- Emphysema
- Epilepsy
- Crohn’s Disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Gastric Ulcer
- Heart disease, heart murmurs, or heart arrhythmias
- Obesity
- Unmedicated high blood pressure
- Kidney Disease
- Liver disease including hepatitis with liver enzymes over four times normal
- Pregnancy
- Serious psychiatric disorders
- Stroke